
White Rhino

  • Average weight male: 2000 – 2300 kg
  • Average weight female: 1600 kg
  • Shoulder height male: 182 cm
  • Shoulder height female: 170 cm

The white rhino is one of the largest terrestrial mammals on the planet, only exceeded in weight by elephants and hippos. The white rhino has two horns, the front is on average 60 cm, but can reach a length of 150 cm. The species lives almost entirely of grass. The world population is in just 8,500 individuals and threatened by poaching, due to some people’s belief that the horns can be used for medicine. However, this is a scientifically unproven. The rhinoceros is called ‘white’, according to one theory – is not due to its skin color, but the broad muzzle of the animal, which, like the horse’s mule, is adapted to grazing. In Afrikaans the word “weit” means broad. It may have been misunderstood as white? – In contrast, the black rhino has been names “black”.

To walk-and-stalk when hunting white rhino is the traditional way of going about it. Solitary bulls are common and can be stalked with some ease with a wind that consistently blows in your favor.

Extreme caution should be applied when on the final approach. Any sudden wind shifts will attract the attention of a weary white rhino and result in a no-hunt situation.

Poaching of white rhinos is putting a strain on white rhino hunting prices, with farmers forever having to apply new methods of protecting their assets. This unfortunately costs money and the end-user pays for it. Secondary to the above, is the fact that rhino attain hunting status only from the age of 15 years and older. This makes for a long-term investment that needs to render sufficient returns.